Personalized services
We handle everything
Paid programs guaranteed
Arrival Package
Australia Specialist


Stage-Australia is always looking for new companies that are interested in providing internship opportunities to European students in Australia. Students come from a wide range of studies, have high levels of English and usually are required to fulfill an internship for 5-12 months for 5 days a week. This means that you, as the placement provider, can benefit from their work effort and low salary, while providing a fulfilling experience.

Stage-Australia guides the participant and host company through the entire process of arranging suitable placement; the visa process, health and accident insurance, assists with finding housing and helps the student in every possible situation. This is of no cost to the host company and will increase the opportunities for the next generation to broaden their international knowledge.

Do you think an international student would fit perfectly in your company? With hundreds of succesful placements all over the world, your company could be the next that benefits from these highly educated students. 

We are more than willing to explain more about our services. Please don't hesitate to contact us at